Always Yours

Chapter 19

I chewed the inside of my cheek as I clipped my seatbelt into place. I already knew I wasn’t making my last class. As he started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot butterflies erupted in my stomach.

He always made me nervous or was I nervous because I was skipping school?

“Where do you wanna go princess?”.

I shrugged. I had to be careful not to get caught. If my mom found out, she’d have a fit and I’d be grounded until I was thirty.

“You wanna come back to mine?”.


“Will you not get in trouble for skipping school?”. I asked.

A laugh fell from his lips. “You worried about me darling?”.

I scowled. He never took anything serious. Everything was always a joke and a laugh with him. Plus, his mom didn’t seem the type to let him away with much.

“I don’t need school Aubrey. I’ll be running my old man’s club”.

“And that’s what you want to do?”.

“Fuck yeah”. He smirked. “It’s in my blood”.

What sort of future was that for anyone? No career, a life of crime. But it wasn’t my place to judge. I already knew what lay ahead for me. The minute I turned eighteen I was out of here.

“What about you specs. What you gonna do after high school?”.

“Leave”.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Eh?”. He made a face. “And go where?”.

“Hopefully, I get into a good school. I want to see the world and leave this place behind me”.

Once I turned eighteen, I could do whatever I wanted. My parents would no longer have any hold over me. I would finally be able to make my own decisions and choices.

Maybe then I could start to enjoy my life.

“You really wanna leave?”. He frowned.

“I have no reason to stay”. I spoke. “I don’t want to be stuck here forever living with my parents”.

“Fuck, they seem like proper assholes darling”.

I shrugged. “They aren’t that bad but if I don’t leave, I’ll never get to live my life the way I want to”.

“And what’s that?”.


“How do you wanna live your life?”.

“By making my own choices my own mistakes. I’m sixteen and never once have I snuck out. I’ve never been to parties I’ve never drank beer. Heck I’ve never even kissed a boy”.

I couldnt stop the words coming out my mouth.

“I can’t do normal teenage things because I’m afraid of the consequences and what my mom would think”.

“Wait you’ve never kissed a boy?”. He asked.

“I have to lie to get through life because god forbid, I ever do something my mother wouldn’t approve of”.

“Shit babe”.

“Yeah”. I huffed. “Now are we going for a milkshake or not?”.

“I’m taking you somewhere better princess. Somewhere you can just be yourself and not give two fucks about anything”.


The clubhouse?

I frowned remembering Blues words from last time. I chewed the inside of my cheek as the truck came to a stop. My heart hammering in my chest as I looked around.

Big burly men sat around a table outside drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. Others working on cars and bikes. Heavy metal music playing from somewhere.

I had no idea how to act.



“You do know your safe here, right?”.

Was I because the last time I was here someone grabbed my ass without my permission.

The tap on the window caused me to jump. It was one of the bikers I had met in the diner one night. Big fella, I think his name was Rusty.

“You coming in or you just gonna sit there?”. He asked.

“My mom here?”.

Rusty smirked. “Aye kid she’s inside”.

“Give me a minute yeah”.

Why was he asking if his mom was here?

“My mom doesn’t like when I skip school”. He ran a hand over the back of his head. A light shade of pink tinted his cheeks.

He was embarrassed but why? My mom would have my head if she found out I skipped.

“Come on”. He opened the car door, and I followed suit. “She’ll be cool because you’re here”.

Me being here didn’t stop her from ripping him a new one. I kept my head low and my gaze on the floor. It was awkward and I was uncomfortable. I had never seen anyone talk to him that way and for him to stand and take it.

But she was his mom after all.

“That goes for you as well Aubrey”.

I snapped my head up my eyes landing on hers. I had no idea what she just said because I wasn’t paying attention.

“Mom”. Franko spoke.

“I didn’t take you for a girl that skips school and yet here we are. Does your mom know?”.

I felt the lump appear in the back of my throat. My stomach knotted with nerves. Was she going to tell my mom?

“No Mrs Mendez”. I once again lowered my gaze. “Are you going to call my parents?”.

“Oh, sweetheart. Franko go and sort you and Aubrey a drink. Aubrey, you come with me”.

She took me into the kitchen and offered me a chair. She sat opposite me. I wasn’t quite sure what was going on.

“He may act like he gets to do what he wants but he doesn’t. I want him too at least graduate high school”.

“I don’t skip school ever”.

Technically I wasn’t skipping. I had a free period. But I wasn’t planning to go back for my last class.

“You’re a smart girl, but can I ask why you’re hanging around with my son all of a sudden”.

The million-dollar question that I couldn’t answer. She didn’t want to hear about how much I like him and like being around him. I didn’t want to get into that.

I was good at spilling my guts. But this was Franko her son. She didn’t need to know how my parents felt about him and why they were the reason I couldn’t pursue my feelings.

I shrugged. It was rude and I should have answered her, but I didn’t know what to say. Maybe coming here wasn’t such a good idea.

“All I ask is that you don’t hurt him”.

Me hurt him? I was more scared of getting my heartbroken.

“I don’t have many friends”. I whispered. “Francis is nice to me, he’s different. I-…”. I paused. “I like spending time with him”.

“You seem like a sweet girl Aubrey, and I have no issues with you and Francis being friends but please be careful”. She reached over placing her hand on top of mine. “This lifestyle isn’t for everyone”.

Just then Franko appeared with two sodas. One for him and one for me.

“No more skipping school after today”. His mom got to her feet. “I want you to at least graduate high school Francis”.

He rolled his eyes and smirked before placing a kiss on her cheek.

“I really like your mom”. I smiled.

It made me sad; it made me think of my own relationship with my mom and how I wish ours was similar.

“Aye she’s alright”. He grinned. “You wanna come out front?”.

“Yeah, sure”.


I always knew never to believe everything you hear. I had never been made to feel more welcome in my life. The clubhouse was a safe place. I felt more comfortable here than I did my own home.

But it had to end at some point. It was getting late, and I had to get home.

“Aubrey, I want you to come for dinner tomorrow”. Maria smiled.

How could I say no to that when they have all been so nice to me. I felt like I belonged here. I didn’t need to be someone I wasn’t. People here didn’t care. They were all family and according to Blue I was now part of their family and welcome anytime.

“You ready to go?”. Franko asked.


Opening the door to his truck I froze when I felt him behind me. I turned around instantly my eyes landing on his.

“I had a really good time today princess”.

“Me too”. I whispered.

Was he going to kiss me?

I swallowed the lump in my throat, but I couldn’t look away. His eyes were mesmerising.

“You wanna stay the night?”. He asked his breath fanning over my face.

Heart hammering in my chest I chewed the inside of my cheek. “You know I can’t”. Without thinking I grabbed a hold of his hand lacing our fingers together. “But I would really like to come for dinner tomorrow”.

“The fuck are you doing to me”. He hissed as he gripped a hold of my chin. “I can’t stop fucking thinking about you”.

“Franko I-…”.

He kissed me. He crashed his lips to mine, and everything disappeared. The softness of his lips, his hand caressing my face. My eyes closed and just as I was about to kiss him back, he pulled away.

“Fuck”. He spat. “I’m sorry”.

“No, it’s okay”.

“Nah princess”. He ran a hand through his hair as he began to pace up and down. “You’re different, I wanted this to be different. You ain’t like them other girls”.

I jumped as he thumped his hand off the bumper of his truck.

“I’m a fucking idiot”.

“Will you stop”. I yelled. “Why are you making this a big deal?”.

It was only a kiss. A fucking good kiss but still a simple kiss.

“I took your first kiss darling, and I didn’t even fucking ask”.

He was kicking off because he took my first kiss?

“I’m glad it was with you”. I smiled.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t-… wait what?”. He frowned.

A laugh fell from my lips. “I’m glad my first kiss was with you now can you drop me off home?”.

“Aye darling but not the truck. Let’s get you on the back of my bike”.

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