Always Been You


“You gave me no time” he said. Then laughed when her hands went lower.

“Hey!” he growled roughly. “You are touching a delicate area there!”

Katherine withdrew her finger tips, slid them over his steel hard hips. “I like touching you, Jensen. I love it actually” She cupped his lean buttocks. “This is a fascinating part of your anatomy. Looks great on tight jeans. You could pose for a pinup calendar… One of those sexy ones with the bare, hairy chest and just the top button of your jeans undone”

Jensen’s smile matched the come hither smile of the poster models -soft and sexy and all male. Heavy sensuality washed over her as he shifted against her with a new surge of desire. His thigh edged between hers and he entered her.

“Maybe I will taste just a little of this…” He said. He lowered his head and nuzzled the softness of her breast before taking her nipple into the heated moistness of his mouth. At the first tug of pleasure, Katherine felt a warm flood of desire open within her loins.

The second tug yielded a gasp and another contraction. He pushed slowly higher as his mouth plied her breast, and Katherine groaned as his ripe fullness touched the center of her desire.

“I think it’s time for your second tranquilizer, my darling” she breathed before his tongue entered her mouth to match the thrusting rhythm of his hips.

———————Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Much later, they watched the evening shadows creep across the sky. Katherine’s body was sated and heavy and aching tenderly.

Jensen sighed and nuzzled her earlobe. “You were right, Katherine. Those tranquilizers did the trick. If I wasn’t hungry right now, I could sleep until morning”

He grinned lazily and stretched in a long dark arc of satisfied male animal. Katherine smiled as she watched him. Naked, Jensen was a sprawled dark male outline against the white and gold headboard, his long legs crossed at the ankles. Katherine thought he looked like a worn and relaxed pasha after a feast.

“Why are you staring at me like that? He asked her, still smiling.

“I wasn’t staring “Katherine said.”Fine, then let’s go eat” then added when she saw his gaze rest on her breast “Jensen look at me” she sputtered.

His arms lowered, his hand resting on the roundness of her hips beneath the sarong. “Oh I am looking” he said. “You are beautiful. You are soft and cuddly. I’m rather proud of myself. You look well loved”

“I’m a mess” Katherine said.

“You can never be a mess. I’m going to enjoy giving you your first San Francisco bath, sweetheart” He stood up and unwrapped her, then swept her into his arms. He stalked into a bathroom larger than Katherine’s living room and stood her on her feet while he adjusted the gold faucets. Water foamed into the marble tub.

He looked at her over one tanned shoulder. “Honey,” he said. “The doctor said to watch that hand. It has to be kept dry, so be careful”

Her palm swept downward from the muscular shoulders to his haunches. “Are you going to scrub my back, Jensen?” she asked.

“Yep” he replied. “That and everything else. Step in Kitty Kat”

A moment later Katherine protested. “Jensen, you can’t get in too.” she said.

“It’s my tub” he replied. “And you look plenty inviting, Kitty”

After the shower and they had dressed up, Jensen asked “Hungry?”

When she nodded, he said. “Come with me. I have ordered the refrigerator stocked, and you can command the chef. Within limitations of course”


A few hours later, lying next to her on the couch, he nuzzled the softness of her hand pressed against his cheek. In a moment he was breathing in the deep, slow rhythm of sleep.

“I love you, Jensen Packard. Super tough guy. Macho boss man” Katherine murmured playfully. “Hurt little boy grown big” She touched the sweep of his eye lashes lightly and noted that the lines on his face seemed fainter. He was relaxed.

Kathrine slipped from beneath him and padded over to a closet for an extra blanket. She tucked it around him and kissed his forehead. “Good night my love” she said.

On her way to her bedroom, she turned off the lights. Unable to remove her bra because of her bandaged hand, she slid in bed and hugged the pillow that bore Jensen’s earthy musk.

Later in the night, she protested the large hand easing her from her tightly curled position.

“More over, Kitty Kat. I want to hold you” Jensen’s voice said.

Warmth, strong and possessive, filled the large bed as Jensen covered her body with his. He gently loosened her bra and swept it from her, his hands supporting her breasts as she snuggled her panty covered hips into the nest his thighs provided.

Dreamily aware of Jensen touching her, of his warm hands sweeping over her. Katherine sensed he needed assurance. He held her tightly against him, but it wasn’t entry into her body he sought in the midnight hours. It was the closeness of loved ones.

“I’m here, darling. Hold me” she whispered sleepily. “I love you”


“Stop laughing at my shirt, Jensen” Katherine said the next day and Jensen laughed.

“It looks better on you than on me love” Jensen said. “I like to tease you. You know that” he glanced at her plate. “Are you going to eat that omelet or massacre it?” he asked.

“I’m not very hungry. But it’s delicious” Katherine said.

Jensen stood and lifted her into his arms, then strode into the living room and fell on the couch, pillowing her fall.

“I thought you had business to manage today” she half protested as his hand slipped inside the shirt to claim her breast. He sprawled beneath her, his leisurely grin suggesting he had all the time in the world.

“Exactly what do you have planned today, Jensen?” She asked and then gasped as his fingers delicately plucked the hardening bud of her nipple.

“First, the major things. Kiss me” he demanded. “I can’t start a day without a kiss from my woman”

When Kathrine obeyed he plumbed the depths of her mouth. “I have business to take care of before the party this afternoon. I will be gone only a couple of hours” he rasped against her lips. “You could come with me, Kat”

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