Always Been You


He went inside the store. She had obviously been working. He thought as his eyes took in the pans and other equipment that had stains of batter in then. Why did she decide to work so late instead of waiting till the next day? And where was Tim? He wondered. Probably with his grandparents then. He went into her office.

Katherine’s head lay on top of her desk. She was asleep. Jensen tiptoed forward.

“Katherine?” he called.

She didn’t stir. Her head was pillowed on her extended arm. His eyes were drawn down to her hand. She had very slender fingers. He thought. Her hand was delicate and, in response, fragile looking. Her beautiful hair was a riot of wavy disarray, spilling across her arm and the paperwork she had fallen asleep over. It was inky black, the perfect complement to her fair complexion.

There was a faint blush on the cheek that was turned up. Her brow was as smooth and glossy as she one painted onto a China doll. She was deeply asleep and she breathed through slightly parted lips.

Jensen’s desire to touch her was a visceral ache.

He debated with himself on what he should do. She wouldn’t welcome being found in such a vulnerable position. It would be awkward for them both and might affect their already very fragile relationship, which he didn’t want to jeopardize further under any circumstances. She obviously wasn’t in any discomfort.

All things considered, it would be best to leave her as she was. His car was outside too, If she woke up and noticed that he was there, she could come to his office and initiate a conversation if she wanted to… Though he highly doubted that she would. Otherwise they would see each other first thing in the morning.. He couldn’t go home now knowing that she was there. He saw no reason for the lamp to be shining full on her face, however, and leaned across the desk to switch it off.

The instant the office went dark, she woke up.

“No!” she shouted. She shot out of the chair, nearly knocking heads with him.

“Kat, it’s me,” Jensen said softly.

“Don’t touch me!” she said. She fumbled with the items strewn across her desk.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“What are you doing?” Jensen asked, clearly surprised.

“Don’t touch me,” she repeated. “Don’t touch him too! If you touch him, I will kill you”

Jensen, bewildered by her violent reaction, looked down at her outstretched hands and saw the cold glint of metal.

“Relax, Kat,” he said calmly. “It’s me, Jensen” He reached for the lamp switch. Attempting to put the light back on so she could see him clearly.

“No!” she said. She made a jabbing motion toward his belly with the letter opener.

“Fuck” he swore.

She was obviously still asleep. He realized. Or so disoriented that she didn’t realize what she was doing. Before one or both of them got hut, he lunged across the desk and grabbed her hands. The telephone crashed to the floor. Paper work scattered like autumn leaves in a high wind. Katherine screamed. They fought for control of the letter opener. She fell against the wall behind her. Knocking an art picture off its hook. It fell and crashed to the ground. The glasses scattered on the floor.

He twisted her hands, but she wouldn’t release her grip on the letter opener. Even though she seemed to be imbued with superhuman strength, he knew he must be hurting her. He would apologize later. He thought. First, he had to keep her from ripping a hole in his gut.

He finally got a firm grip on both her wrists and swung them up above her head. He slammed his body into hers, pinning her between himself and the wall. She slung her head wildly from side to side.

“I won’t let you hurt him. You will have to kill me first” she said.


“I won’t let you. I won’t let you take him”

“Katherine!” Jensen shouted.

It was as though he had entered her nightmare and slapped her awake. She ceased struggling instantly. Her head became still. Her breast rose and fell drastically against his chest.

“Who is it?” she asked.

Jensen breathed a sigh of relief. He could feel her rapid breath on his face. “It’s me,” he replied. “it’s Jensen”

“Jensen?” Katherine repeated.

“That’s right,” he said.



Exhausted, he bent his head over hers, resting it on her forehead while he sucked in drafts of air. He released her wrists. When he did, her arms fell lifelessly to her sides.

“Are you okay?” he asked hoarsely.

She nodded. He stepped away from her and clicked on the lamp. The letter opener still in her hand had a serrated blade. It could have been deadly. He thought.

“Fuck, Kat” he swore. “What the hell were you trying to do with that damn thing? What the hell is going on with you?” He asked.

Katherine dropped the letter opener onto the desk and simultaneously collapsed into her chair. “Protect myself,” she said softly.

She was pale, trembling and breathless, but otherwise seemed no worse for wear. Seeing that she was alright. Jensen allowed himself to get mad. “What the hell, Kat?” he said. “You damn near gutted me”

Katherine propped her elbow on her desk and pushed a handful of hair out of her face. “I’m sorry,” she said. “But you shouldn’t have sneaked up on me”

Jensen sucked in a deep angry breath. “I didn’t sneak up on you, damn it” he said. “I made a hell of a racket outside. I called your name twice. I got worried when you didn’t reply so I let myself in”

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Katherine asked.

“I didn’t want to startle you,” he replied.

“Oh, so you leaned over me like you were going to smother me” she said.

Jensen let loose a string of curses. This woman was so damn good at getting to him. He was angry and pissed about her attitude. But he was still worried about her reaction.

“What are you doing here anyway? What time is it?” Katherine asked, apparently still confused from being awakened so abruptly.

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