Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Chapter Eighty-One: Unveiling Bargains 

Axel POV:Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

The air in the pack house was thick with tension. We had been strategizing non-stop since Phera's interrogation of Josh. My mind was racing, trying to piece together every bit of information we had. As I paced the room, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of urgency. We were on the brink of an all-out war, and the lives of everyone we cared about were hanging in the balance.

The door opened, and the Alpha King entered, his presence commanding immediate attention. What the hell was he doing here? His eyes were sharp, and his expression was unreadable. Behind him, his royal guards took their positions, their stoic faces betraying nothing. Instinctively, everyone in the room, including Phera and us, bowed in respect.

"Alpha King," Damon began, straightening up. "What brings you here?"

The Alpha King's gaze swept the room before settling on Phera. "I came to offer my support and discuss some critical matters," he said, his voice firm. He then turned to Phera with a softer expression. "You must be Phera. I've heard much about you."

Phera nodded respectfully. "It's an honour to meet you, Your Majesty."

The Alpha King acknowledged her with a slight nod. "The honour is mine. I've come to discuss the situation with Rex and Erickson, as well as to offer the assistance of my two other elite teams when I was informed of the impending attack."

Damon leaned forward, his expression intense. "We need to know everything you've found out, Your Majesty. Every detail could be crucial."

The Alpha King nodded. "I've mobilized my elite teams to support you. They will assist in fortifying your defenses and rooting out any remaining spies. But there's something else you need to know."

He turned to Phera, his gaze softening slightly. "Your mates made a bargain with me to secure my support."

Phera's eyes widened, but she quickly masked her shock." What kind of bargain?"

The Alpha King glanced at us, then back at Phera. "In exchange for my assistance, they agreed that your firstborn daughter would be betrothed to my twin sons. It was a necessary arrangement to ensure the safety and future of both our packs."

Phera's face was a mask of composure, but I could see the flicker of surprise and perhaps a hint of betrayal in her eyes." I see," she said quietly. "And you think this is the only way?"

The Alpha King nodded. "It strengthens the alliance between our packs and ensures a unified front against any future threats."

Phera took a deep breath, her eyes meeting ours. "I understand why you did it," she said, her voice steady. "But we need to focus on the immediate threat. We'll deal with the rest later."

I felt a surge of pride for her strength and composure. Despite the shocking revelation, she remained focused on what mattered most. "We need to get our defenses in order, "I said, turning to the Alpha King. "What's the next step?"

"We'll start with the outer perimeters," the Alpha King replied. "My teams will work with your warriors to fortify the borders and set up surveillance. We need to ensure that no one gets through unnoticed."

Damon nodded. "I'll coordinate with Vince and Thomas. We'll get our best fighters on it."

Zane, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. "What about the spies? How do we make sure they don't sabotage us from within?"

The Alpha King's eyes darkened. "We have methods for dealing with traitors. Leave that to me and my team."

As the meeting continued, we laid out our strategies and discussed every possible scenario. The Alpha King's presence was reassuring, but the weight of the impending battle was heavy on all of us.

After the meeting, Phera and I stepped outside for some

fresh air. The night was cool, and the stars shone brightly above us. "Are you okay?" I asked, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

She leaned into me, her body tense. "I didn't expect that," she admitted. "The bargain you made with the Alpha King. I understand why, but it's a lot to process."

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner," I said, my voice filled with regret. "We were trying to protect you, to ensure our pack's safety."

"I know," she replied, looking up at me. "We'll get through this. Together."

I kissed her forehead, feeling the strength of our bond."

Together," I echoed.

Zane POV:

The tension in the air was palpable as we gathered in the conference room. Everyone was on edge, the weight of the situation bearing down on us. My brothers, Damon and Axel, stood beside me, their faces etched with determination and worry. Phera sat at the head of the table, her expression steely but her eyes betraying the fear she felt.

I took a deep breath and glanced around the room. Our allies were here: Vince, the Alpha of Ravenclaw; his Gamma, Thomas; and the Alpha King himself, who had been a pillar of strength since he arrived even if the old bastard looked

like he was about to take a walk by the beach or something. The king's calm, composed demeanour was both a fucking comfort and a source of concern but fuck it was good to have him here. There was no way Rex and Erickson and their pack of mutts could defeat him, he was the damn king for a reason. He had faced many battles, but this one felt different. It was personal.

The room fell silent as the Alpha King stood, his regal presence commanding attention. "We are here to address the immediate threat posed by Rex and Erickson," he began, his voice steady. "Their plan is both brutal and insidious. They seek to destroy Red Moon and claim it for themselves. We cannot let that happen."

Damon leaned forward, his eyes flashing with anger. "Josh, one of their team members who we caught mentioned a law that forbids you from helping us directly. Is that true?"

The Alpha King nodded, his expression as cool as a cucumber. "Yes, there is such a law. It prevents the royal family from intervening in disputes between packs unless the threat is deemed to affect the royal bloodline directly." A murmur spread through the room. I felt my stomach twist with anxiety. "So, does that mean you can't help us?" I asked, my voice tight.

The Alpha King raised a hand, silencing the room. "The law does apply. However, because of the pact made between our families-to have your firstborn daughter marry my twin sons-the threat to Red Moon directly affects the royal family. Therefore, I am not only permitted but obligated to intervene."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the room. Phera's shoulders relaxed slightly, and she nodded. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The Alpha King continued, "We need to focus on our defences and ensure that our strategy is airtight. Vince and Thomas, coordinate with your teams and fortify the borders. We cannot allow any breaches. Zane, I want you and Damon to oversee the preparation of our warriors. Axel, handle the logistics and ensure that supplies are distributed efficiently." Everyone nodded in agreement. The room buzzed with renewed energy as we discussed the details of our plan. Despite the gravity of the situation, there was a sense of unity and determination that gave me hope.

After the meeting, I found Phera standing by the window, staring out at the training grounds. I walked over to her, my heart aching at the sight of her worry. "Sunflower," I said softly, using the nickname I had given her long ago. "Are you okay?"

She turned to me, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and resolve. "I'm just trying to process everything," she admitted. "The plan, the risks... it's a lot."

I nodded, pulling her into my arms. "I know. But we're in this together. We'll get through it."

She leaned against me, her body trembling slightly. "Zane, I'm scared. Not for myself, but for all of you. For our pack."

I kissed the top of her head, feeling a surge of protectiveness. "We'll protect you and our pack. No matter what."

As we stood there, the weight of the upcoming battle pressing down on us, I knew that we had to stay strong. The Alpha King's presence was a reminder that we were not alone. We had allies, we had a plan, and most importantly, we had each other.

Later that day, we gathered in the main hall to address our warriors. The atmosphere was tense, but there was a sense of determination that permeated the room. Vince and Thomas stood at the front, their expressions serious as they laid out the strategy.

"We'll have patrols on all borders," Vince explained. "We need to be vigilant. Any sign of movement, and we need to be ready to act."

Thomas nodded in agreement. "Our main focus is to prevent any breaches. We have to keep them at bay until we're ready to strike."

Damon stepped forward, his voice commanding. "We need every able-bodied warrior to be prepared. This is our home, our family. We fight for everything we hold dear."

I watched as our warriors nodded, their faces set with determination. Despite the fear and uncertainty, there was a sense of unity that gave me hope.

As the preparations continued, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. The impending battle loomed over us, but I knew that we had the strength and the will to fight. We were ready to face whatever came our way, and we would do it together.

Our allies from surrounding packs were also crucial to our strategy. Alpha Greg from the Silver Moon pack and Alpha Lars from the Blood Moon pack had pledged their support. Their warriors had already arrived, blending seamlessly with ours as we prepared for the coming storm. The solidarity among us was a beacon of hope, a reminder that we were not fighting this battle alone.

That evening, as the sun set and the sky turned a deep shade of red, I found myself standing with my brothers and Phera. We were on the cusp of a battle that would determine our future, but as I looked at the faces of those I loved, I knew that we would prevail.

"Stay strong," I said, my voice filled with determination." We'll get through this. For our pack, for our family." Phera nodded, her eyes shining with resolve. "For Red Moon.

As we stood together, united in our purpose, I felt a sense of hope. The road ahead would be difficult, but with our allies, our strength, and our love for each other, we would face whatever came our way. The battle was just beginning, but we were ready.

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