Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 2 Wolf-less Girl



I thought meeting Levi and Stephanie Hayes was an answer to my prayers. But instead, it’s the exact interpretation of going from the frying pan to the fire. The night Levi and Stephanie took me in, I received good treatment. However, their true colors couldn’t resist showing off after they adopted me. Adoption felt like a great idea to me then, and unknowingly, I had sold myself to unlabeled slave traders. They made my life miserable; every day comes with a different dimension of maltreatment. They have three children, all older than I am. They go by Caleb, Kingston, and Mindy, respectively.

Caleb and Mindy seem to harbor a different kind of hate towards me, but Kingston, on the other hand, is the sweetest sibling anyone can ever wish for. My misery started after living with them for about six months, and Mindy asked me to run with her in our wolf form. I still haven’t shifted, and I didn’t think it would be a problem until that moment. The whole house went agog as they lamented about taking in a wolf-less and considered unfortunate person like me. I realized hatred has a different level to it. My heart races any time I hear them call my name. I wasn’t allowed to associate with any of the neighbors cause it was their way of keeping my secret from the others and saying it would taint their identity as full-blooded wolves.

I always wonder how they would react to the truth about me being a half-breed. It’s a deficiency when a werewolf born doesn’t own a wolf, or such a wolf is latent. I held a grudge against myself and my dead biological parents, especially for bringing me future woes. My dad was right about me shifting too late because of my inherent genes. Just when I had lost hope about ever becoming a full werewolf, I became a newly turned wolf on the night of my nineteenth birthday. It was the best moment of my life. I didn’t want to change form and kept roaming around the woods in my wolf form. For the first time, the family did look excited on my behalf. The joy only lasted that night as I was back to my awful reality by morning. I am no different from an in-house maid. I have to be at their beck and call. No one cares if I am on the verge of breaking down as long as they get what they want. Sometimes, I feel like there is a hidden intention towards me. I wonder if my life could pay for whatever it is.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I scrubbed the plates with every strength. I wash a mountain of used plates every day, and I wonder if other unseen beings make use of them. I am twenty-one now, and the desperation to escape my current state of living is at its peak. The only thing that can save me from the claws of the Hayes family is meeting my mate soon. Every one of the children except Kingston and I is mateless, even though Caleb and Mindy sleep with other people aside from their mates. I realize they intend to end up with a rich person for a mate, as instructed by their parents. Kingston seems to be disinterested in letting them live their dreams through him. He prefers love over material things.

My case is entirely different; I haven’t fallen for anyone. No rejection or acceptance so far. Considering how much time it had taken me to shift, I worry that I might end up not having a mate till I clock thirty.

“Boom!” Someone exclaimed behind me, and I almost fell into the sink in fear.

I glanced back to find Kingston looking pleased with himself. “Really? You almost scared me to death.”

He laughed, ruffling my hair. “You are always scared about everything. It was just a small scare. What are you thinking about?”

I sighed in despair, turning back to my work. “Nothing.” Silence reigned between us for a while before he cleared his throat.

“I know it’s been a long time for you, Nia. I want you to know that I would be in support of whatever you decide on. I love my parents, but they haven’t been the nicest despite agreeing to be your parents on paper. Forgive them on my behalf.”

I sniffed, “It’s nothing, Kingston. I have gotten used to it now.”

“That’s not true; you can fool everyone else but not me. I know you are desperately seeking a mate as your escape. But I wish you would take my help and get a job far from here. You don’t need anyone to improve your life, and only you can give yourself the freedom you deserve.”

I paused, letting the soap foam dry on my hand. I won’t deny just how much help Kingston has done for me. He taught me how to read, and I even got to take the high school leaving certificate exam because of him, which I passed pretty impressively. We did all of this without the knowledge of the others. He dreams far and beyond for me, but I have learned to accept the sad truth about my life and not wish for too much.

“I don’t want to fill my head with baseless dreams. I am grateful for everything you have done, Kingston. But what I need right now is a mate. That’s the safest escape from here.”

With a loud sigh, he pulled me a tight hug. Releasing me, he stared deep into my grey eyes. “So, the Alpha is holding a large banquet on behalf of his sister at the pack-house, and other packs are invited too.”

My face lit up, “is this what I am thinking?”

He nodded, “Yes, you should be able to meet your mate there. I have got you the most suitable dress. It’s happening tonight. You wouldn’t get to know them since they hardly involve you in any relevant discussion. All that matters now is convincing our parents to let you go.”

“Where the hell does she intend to go?” An unpleasant voice growled behind us.

Kingston and I turned around to look at the intruder. Mindy stood by the kitchen entrance, staring at me with utmost disgust. I gulped uncomfortably, pulling at my shirt to cover my exposed neck. Sometimes, I feel like there is something on my body that makes me unworthy of being looked at.

“Kingston, what’s all that rubbish I hear you saying to her?” Mindy’s salty voice hollered.

Folding his arms together, Kingston matched her expression. He is always at loggerheads with his siblings because of me. “What did your ear catch?” Kingston retorted.

“Why would you get her hopeful about attending the banquet?” Mindy gritted.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nia has every right to be at the banquet just like everyone else. She needs to find her mate.”

Mindy laughed hysterically, “You give this peasant too much hope. It’s your fault that she dreams beyond these walls. I am telling Mum and Dad about this right now,” she said, storming off.

And there goes all of my excitement; Mindy would ruin this for me. It’s her favorite pastime. Kingston stared pitifully at me before running after her. For some reason, I find myself running after them. Nia, this is my only opportunity out of this house. If I miss this chance, I might as well just commit suicide.

“Get back here, Mindy!” Kingston called out to her. But it was too late, and she was already standing in front of Levi and Stephanie, seated on the house’s porch.

“What’s the noise all about?” Stephanie inquired, glaring hard at me. I lowered my gaze.

“Can you imagine, Mum?” Mindy began. “Kingston is urging Nia to prepare for tonight’s banquet. She isn’t going, right?”

There was a brief pause and silent communication between both parents. Levi cleared his throat, “Actually, Nia would be going to the banquet. She can’t live with us forever. Every one of our children needs to find a mate.”

“Dad!” Mindy whined.

I stared at Kingston in disbelief, and he looked taken aback, too. This sudden change in attitude is a different dimension of Levi and Stephanie, whom I have never met before. Does something smell fishy, or are they having a change of heart?

“You don’t need to worry about the dress. I got Nia one already,” Kingston said, smiling. “Thanks so much, Mum and Dad.” I found myself bowing and thanking them profusely, and this was the following best news after knowing I could shift.

Stephanie chuckled, “That’s enough; you should go and get ready. We are all going to leave together.”

Grabbing my hand, Kingston pulled me in with him after making a face at Mindy. She would get back at me for that. But I care less right now. I can only believe any one of them when I find myself at the banquet.

Kingston wasn’t joking when he said he got me a beautiful dress. It’s a long silver dress with a V-shaped neckline and a slit that hugs my body shape quite well. I was surprised when Stephanie brought me a pair of heels and a necklace to wear with it. There is no way I wouldn’t be bringing home a mate tonight. My heart soared as I felt grateful for their support when I needed it the most. Despite looking all dolled up and pretty in her red ball dress, Mindy appeared unhappy, and her eyes kept boring holes into my back. I didn’t give her the satisfaction of being uncomfortable. I sat stiffly in the car that had us, the children, with Kingston driving. Levi and Stephanie had taken another car, which was right in front of us.

I have never enjoyed seeing the pack house, let alone a room big enough to contain hundreds of people. Every young person in attendance looked their best, and I could tell it wasn’t just me who was desperate for a mate. Colorfully decorated, the food was mouthwatering, and anyone could have whatever they wanted. Since I didn’t have anyone to talk to the moment we arrived, unlike the others whose friends had gotten a hold of them. I made my way to the food table. I could feel Mindy’s eyes on me, but I didn’t let that bother me. My first stop was the dessert table. My belly growled in excitement at the sight. Reaching out for a plate, a sudden sweet smell filled my nostrils. I ignored it and placed a cake on my plate.

The smell came stronger again, and I could feel my wolf awaken; goosebumps rose at their peak, and I became restless. My eyes searched the room hurriedly, dropping the plate as I rubbed at my arm. The hair on my neck rose.

My wolf panted, “Mate!” A gasp escaped my lips when I registered my wolf’s call. My mate is here. I am going to be accessible soon. My mate is calling out for me. Following the smell, I walked past many people standing in the way. I was anxious to meet the one person who would help me live freely, and maybe I would eventually have a dream. It felt like my heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. I guess he was looking for me, too, and locking eyes with the tall, handsome, ginger-haired man with a prominent dimple. I know for a fact that I don’t want anyone else. He moved with a proud gait, and his attire looked expensive. I know that from Kingston, which keeps me abreast of the world beyond grocery shopping and the home I know.

“Mate?” He asked; his voice sounded like music to my ears.

” nodded expectantly, staring up at him like he was an angel. “Yes. I’m Nia Hayes, your mate.”

He was about to say something when, in an instant, a lady about the same age as me pulled him to herself, kissing him passionately. My heart stopped immediately. I swallowed hard, trying to make sense of the situation. I could sense some people becoming aware of us, stretching their necks to know what was happening. After ending the kiss that seemed forever, Mr. Ginger-haired cleared his throat.

“There is no need to introduce ourselves since we wouldn’t meet again. My father was right about coming here and meeting my mate. This here…” He held the lady who stared up at him lovingly by the waist. “She is the love of my life and the only one I want to spend my lifetime with. I’m glad we got to meet now ’cause it wouldn’t be fair if you had had to wait all your life for me.” He explained.

I stood dumbfounded, finding my voice. I blinked severally. “Are you rejecting me?”

The lady giggled childishly, “Are you that slow? These words are the longest he has said to strangers, and that is because he is quite thoughtful of other people’s feelings. Anyways, what he is trying to tell you in a sentence is that he wants nothing to do with you. Have a good life. Let’s go, baby.” She said, holding his hands as they left.

Dread and fright gripped me as I hugged myself, looking around the room. My eyes met with those of Levi and Stephanie as it appeared their eyes never left me. It made me want to cringe in a deep room and never show my face again. There has never been a time I felt this humiliated. On second thought, I looked towards my adoptive parents again. They still had their eyes on me, even though it appeared discreet this time. Could it be that they are the ones behind ginger-haired rejection? But there is no possible way they would know my mate before me. I guess they are just a bit worried. The tears stung at the back of my eyes like a laser. There goes my only chance for freedom. I gulped, wobbling in my heels. I almost fell flat on my face. The excitement I felt while trying to meet my mate didn’t make me realize I had hit my toe, which seemed swollen.

Finding a chair next to the food table to sit on, I threw my head to the back to keep the tears from falling. Maybe I am cursed, and freedom isn’t in my fate. Still lamenting bitterly, I felt a firm hand grip my arm, pulling me along the crowd. It took me a minute to get myself together, and I looked at the intended kidnapper, who turned out to be Kingston.

“Where are we going, Kingston?” I asked, trying to wiggle free from his hold.

“Just stay natural and come with me. Stop acting like you aren’t familiar with me.” His voice sounded cold. Kingston has never spoken rudely to me ever before.

I nodded gently, following him. He kept looking behind him like he was running from someone. He didn’t stop until we stepped out of the auditorium and near the exit.

“What’s going on? You are scaring me.” I said, finally getting my hand back to myself. He exhaled, glancing behind again. I noticed his eyes were red, like he was trying not to cry. “Are you okay?” I asked again.

Kingston held my hands softly, “forgive me, Nia. I should have known something fishy happened when they acted so nice towards you.”

“What are you talking about? Who are they?”

“Our parents. I just eavesdropped on their conversation now; they hoped your mate would reject you. They had made a pact with the Alpha to sell you off to him.”

“What Alpha?”

“The same Alpha of our pack. Sunset Pack.”

I gasped. Everyone knows how ruthless the Alpha is. He is Darkness. Rumor has it that he has slept with all of the maidens assigned to serve him, and he buys off young ladies that catch his interest from their families, which means he automatically owns them and does whatever he wishes to them.

My lips shook as fear rose in the depths of my throat. “Did they know that I would get rejected? Why would they want to sell me off? Do they hate me that much?”

“I don’t know the details, but Dad has some financial issues, and the Alpha has had his eyes on you for a while now. How that happened, I have no idea, and it worked out in their favor that you got rejected by your mate. Or, probably, they had something to do with it. Your actual mate is the Beta of the Black Saint pack, and that would have been a blessing to you after all the years of your suffering. I’m so sorry, sister.”

The tears fell as I leaned against the water fountain next to me. I am lost and confused. I have no idea what to do next. Kingston knelt in front of me, searching his pocket. He brought out some cash and handed me a phone.

“I know I might not be able to do much now. But I know if you return home with us, you will end the rest of your life being a sex toy for the Alpha. I want you to run as far as your legs would carry you and never come back. That phone has my contact saved on it, and please let me know if you are safe.”

I shook my head in disagreement. “But where would I go?”

“Anywhere. Go anywhere as long as it’s not here. If you hide here at the pack, my family will find and torture you. I can’t stand that, Nia. Please go. That cash would help you rent out a room for the night. I promise to find you. Run, Nia, please. They would come out to find you now. Please leave, and I know you are strong enough to survive. If not for anything, run far away from me and our family. Please, sis.”

Seeing no way out, I hurriedly wiped my tears, hugging Kingston tightly for the last time. I took off the heels as the tears returned and ran as fast as my legs could carry me with no destination. Just like I had done ten years ago to save my life, I am running again, hoping I won’t wound up dead this time around.

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