Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 52

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 52

52. Hitting a Nerve AZURA. "Yeah, I get what you mean. Before Emmet, I had a boyfriend… in fact,I never liked Emmet back then.

He just…

we just clashed.

Our mentalities were different, although both of us were friends with Leo.

That was until the bond…

and it’s so strong…

it consumes you.

And I know a bond with an Alpha is even more intense.

Anyway, when the bond snapped into place everything changed.

Me and my boyfriend broke up.

Although I knew it really affected him, it was the obvious thing to do when you find your mate,and he didn't make it harder for me...

and soon I found myself falling for Emmet.

Then, when I was completely smitten, deeply in love, that's when it all began…

I'm sorry I lied to you, and in front of Eric too.

I just - I just didn't know what else to do.” She hugged herself, staring at the water in the pool.

"I'm going to reject him, I know it's going to be hard, but I’m going to do it.

I should have done it ages ago when he first began hurting me to vent his anger….” I looked at her, my heart pounding.

I never wanted another Indigo to suffer, and seeing the strength in Jackie made me proud.

“You know…

My biological mother was a victim of abuse too, at the hands of her mate…

When I realised what Emmet did that night, I lost it.

I felt like I was seeing her in you.

Her mate ultimately led to her death.

She was said to be a feisty confident young woman, yet years of living with an abuser wore her downuntil she was just a shell of the woman she once was." I said quietly.

"And seeing that situation between Emmet and me, triggered you...

I don't blame you, and I'm grateful that you at least stood up for me…

You did the right thing…

even when I asked you not to..." She murmured, she stiffened and turned to me sharply before taking a furtive glance around.

“Are you ok?” I asked concerned.

She nodded, taking hold of my wrist.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“I just…

I think it’s time I did the same…

Break a promise for the better…

After all, you are the sister of Kiara Rossi, The Queen.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

* I frowned, looking at her, wondering what she was about to say when we heard the sound of a thud.


care!" Nikki? 3 We both stood up and looked towards the back of the garden.

What was she doing here? "That was an order, which you should have followed.” Winona’s gentle yet firm voice came.

“I don’t follow your rules.

You are just an Omega who works for Leo! Remember that, scumbag!” Nikki’s voice came, filled with irritation and disdain.

Jackie gasped, and I felt my own anger rising.

Alejandro had abolished the rank system years back, and it was obvious from Jackie’s gasp that it was something that wasn’t meantto be happening here either.

Where were they? I scanned the garden and spotted a flash of red from beside the small cabin.


"I know I'm an Omega, but Alpha Marcel gave me a job to do, and I made it clear that the dresscode was anything but red, and you knew why.

Is this why you called me here?” Winona asked.

“Really?” Nikki scoffed.

It was obvious that against someone like Winona, Nikki wasn't going to back off, and it was clear neitherdid Jackie as she hurried towards the sound of their talk.

“Yes.” Winona said quietly.

“I don’t really like, care.

If I want to wear red, I can.

Besides, I look better…

Leo is mine, not that skank who he knocked up."'2 “That is our Luna!” Winona’s shockedvoice came.

"Nikki!" Jackie exclaimed at the same time, just as the two women came into view.

Nikki, who was standing there with a bottle in her hand and her arms folded, gave mea dirty look "Oh, look who it is: The skank herself." She spat.

I raised an eyebrow, quickly looking Winona over.

She looked visibly upset and I didn't miss the mark on her shoulder.

My eyes flashed dangerously.

Nail marks…

My gaze snapped back to her.

"Let's make this clear, once and for all." I said calmly, walking over to the shorter woman in red.

She looked back at me defiantly, and my eyes blazed silver.

"You aren't anyone important here." Nikki said tossing her hair.

"You saw Leo, right? I mean, no matter what I do, he still has a soft spot for me.” “Do not do this, Nikki.

Please." Jackie pleaded as she hurried over to the distraught Winona.

"You know if you want to play bitch mode, I'm more than happy to entertain you.” I said, crossing my arms.

"First of all, I'm the mate, so whether we're together or not, I have priority overyou.

Secondly, stop calling me a skank, or any other name, before I rip every last hair off your head.

Because I swear on the goddess, piss me off and I will order a few kilos ofsuperglue and dunk it on your head, so don't test me." I warned, my voice calm and sinister.

I was right in front of her now.

Our eyes locked as she tried to challenge me.

--"Whatever." Yeah, that's all you got? "You know, I tried to stay away from Leo when I found out he had you by his side…

So really do explain how I'm the skank? He dumped you, your issue is with him, not me.

Remember that.

"You can't talk to me like that, he doesn't even want you.

Weirdo." She retorted, just as I was about to turn away.

Oh bitch, you did not…

"Oh yeah?" I snapped now, turning back to her, "Why can’t I? And do not fucking call me names!” “If Leo saw your true colours.” “Bitch please,I don't sugarcoat shit for anyone.

Do you think Leo doesn't know the real me? I'm not you, who acts all sweet and shitin front of him, I'm always the real me! I'm damn pissed at how you treated Winona, and those marks on her shoulder.

Something tells me Leo will be more fucking pissed at the fact you hurt her than aboutme offending you." I growled.

"Let's leave, I don't want the night spoiled for you." Winona tried to calm me down, discreetly trying to cover her shoulder with her hair.

I reached over, taking hold of her wrist, trying to calm my own emotions at the same time.

They had worked hard on this evening; she was right, I shouldn’t spoil it…

"Yeah, walk off, just remember even after finding you, Leo chose me.

He came right back and straight into my bed…

The sex was still as good as ever, I mean, not once did he seem to rememberyou...

Ouch." Came her sing-song voice, making me stop dead in my tracks.

5 She had hit a sore spot, and she knew it when she let out a laugh.

"Azura..." I heard Jackie's voice, but I was far too pissed to care.

I turned, letting go of Winona, ready to slap that bitch.

I stormed over to her, raising my hand just as her eyes widened, realisation hitting her, but before my hand connected, atattooed one grabbed hold of my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.

Intense sparks coursed through me, but they didn't drown out the pang of pain that squeezed my heart.

He was protecting her.

“Stop.” He commanded, his voice emotionless and cold.

A small smirk crossed Nikki's face as I turned my gaze to Leo.

"You two really are perfect for one another." I said bitterly, and with that I ripped free from Leo’s hold.

No one, and I mean no one, can tell me to stop.

My heart was thundering as I looked at Nikki's arrogant smirk.

I turned away, and as expected, I saw her relax a little.

In a flash, I spun around and punched her straight in the nose.

A sickening crunch told me I had broken something.

15 She yelped in pain, stumbling back, the blood spurting from her nose pleasantly satisfying.

2 Leo's eyes flashed, widening in surprise as he looked at me.

I looked back at him, my heart thumping violently.

“You really can go to hell, Leo.

I fucking hate you.” I spat..

"Azura, listen to me." I was about to turn away but stopped and looked back up at him.

“Just shut up, I’m done.

I'm fucking done with you." I said quietly, stepping closer.

His eyes flickered with emotions, but before he could speak, I raised my knee, aiming right where the sun doesn’t shine, and kneedhim hard.

9 He growled as he staggered back, his eyes blazing a steel blue before he doubled over from the pain.

"I hope those piercing just got buried right in, or better, ripped off!” I hissed, before shoving him hardand storming past both Jackie and Winona.

I was done.

I was fucking done.

"Azura!" I ignored Leo speeding up, I wanted out, I wanted to be gone from here rightnow.

"Azura, fuck, at least listen!" Leo's growl came as I walked past the bench, but before I could get any further, he grabbed my arm,spinning me into his arms.

Why the fuck was he so strong?! "Let go of me!” I hissed, ready to rip him apart if he didn’t let me go, but instead, his otherarm tightened around me as I struggled against him.

“Not until you listen.

Can you fucking stop acting fucking crazy?” He growled.

"I am! Ok! I'm fucking crazy, so just let me fucking go!” I shouted, digging my nails into hischest, but it didn't seem to bother him.

“Azura, fuck! You’re fucking misunderstand.” “No.

No, I'm not, because she's right, you rejected me and came back to her.” I said, my chest clenching.

"Let go of me." "Not until you listen." Our eyes were locked, our hearts racing, and even in my anger, I could feel his body moulded againstmine so perfectly...

yet not for me…

"There's nothing to hear, you already made it clear the other night.” “That’s different.

This situation with Nikki is." "The very fucking same, so unhand me before I rip your dick off.” I growled, my eyes blazing.


What are you going to?” He challenged, equally stubbornly.

2 With all the force I could muster, I hooked my leg around his ankle and yanked.

At the same time, I pulled back, shoving him towards the pool.

His gorgeous ice blue eyes flew open as he went toppling backwards, but before my smirk could cross my lips, his hand shot out, grabbing my arm as he pulledme straight into the water with him.

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