Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 47

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 47

47. Speaking the Truth


Two hours had passed, and I was working with Ace, Jax, Dan and Li Sheng. There was so much I fucking needed to deal with, and although it felt like everything was fucking spiralling out of control, I would fix it.

Emmet had grabbed the chair when I had been distracted by the sheer shock of his revelation. He had slammed it into my back with such force, the leg had ripped through my clothes and back. But I had been far too wrapped up in my own thoughts to realise what had happened, until he was dragged away to his cell, and my men had begun worrying over me. *

The dull ache remained in my back, but it was healing quickly enough. I had had it cleaned and bandaged by one of the guards, not wanting to waste time by going down to the hospital.

“Alright, I need to get going. Start the preparations, Ace you need to get to Web. Dan, check Emmet‘s laptop and office, see if you can find any bank statements or if he has any accounts that we don‘t know of, or in any other names. Li Sheng have Emmet‘s apartment searched, I‘ll let Jackie know in advance, so hold up until I give you the order. Jax, try to find out exactly where he created these bullets. I want to know where he got the funding to create that much without me even fucking realising...” I ordered, frowning as I snapped my laptop shut. “Get ready to execute both options.” 4

“Are you sure these are the only options?” Jax asked, frowning slightly. I had told the five of them about the bullets, having no other option but to bring in all the force I can, and to execute the retrieval of the bullets.

“If Plan A fails, then yeah, this is the only way, but let‘s focus on Plan A first. Send our buyer to him, offer him whatever he wants, but I want all those bullets back at any price.”

“This is going to cost us a lot...” Ace frowned.

“It doesn‘t matter, I‘m not going to risk those bullets out there... if he refuses or doesn‘t have answers, then we‘ll do this via Plan B. Have everything prepared for that too. I need to have a word with Marcel, but I‘ll be available via the mind link throughout. Tonight, I‘ll meet you all at Kingdom of Sin.” I stood up when Ace sat forward, sighing.

“What if you asked Alejandro Rossi for assistance?” He said quietly. I frowned, maybe I needed to... I knew I could deal with this shit myself, but the more manpower, the faster the job gets done

“I needed to talk to him anyway... I‘ll see what happens. I‘m still going to deal with this myself. “I turned and left the office.

Mind linking Jackie, I asked her to come to the large oak tree that wasn‘t far from Marcel‘s mansion, and wasn‘t too far from the hospital either. I had already been given a change of clothes after Emmet‘s attack, and so I was going to head straight to Marcel‘s after meeting Jackie. It was already late in the afternoon; work had taken fucking longer than I had expected it to.

‘Eric, have you been keeping an eye on Azura?‘ ‘Yes, I have. She went to Alpha Marcel‘s around lunch, and since then she hasn‘t left the mansion.‘ She had been on my mind, and although I knew I fucking hurt her last night, there was nothing I planned to do about it. I didn‘t want her getting attached. 6 Ok thanks, I‘m headed over there myself, I‘ll take over watching her.‘ ‘Anytime Alpha. Marcel probably invited her over for dinner too... Why am I not fucking surprised. “Leo.” I turned to see Jackie hurrying over. “Hey.” I greeted.

Her eyes searched mine before she looked me over, and I knew she was assessing me.

“You need to take it easy.” She said quietly, glancing around.

“I‘m fine. I called you because of something I learned about Emmet.” Her face fell and I switched to mind linking. ‘He had stolen a formula of mine and has sold a pretty large number to someone dangerous... I need to have a search of your apartment take place just to see if we can find out any more details. I’m really sorry it‘s come to this, but it‘s got to be done. You could move out for a night or two, just until we‘ve covered the entire place.‘

She looked down brokenly and shook her head.

“You can go ahead and search…”

“Thanks... Is there anything you can think of that could help. Any property he may have had that you knew of, or anywhere he could have possibly had the facility to mass produce something?”

“No there‘s...” She frowned, and her heart thudded faster as she looked up at me sharply.” There isn‘t anywhere I know, but he would often be gone for hours at a time…. And most often it was when you weren‘t around. Maybe I‘m just being paranoid –”

“No, I don‘t think you‘re being paranoid. Thanks for sharing that. If you do remember anything else, let me know alright?” She nodded, and I gave her shoulder a squeeze. “You aren‘t alone.” I said quietly. She brushed her tears away as she tried not to cry. “Yeah. I know... I... I heard from one of the boys at the hospital that Emmet attacked you today

I didn‘t reply, I couldn‘t deny it but at the same time, I didn‘t want her to feel guilty for it.

“I‘ve... made my decision.” She said, twisting her shirt sleeve in her hand.

I looked at her sharply as she struggled to keep her tears at bay. I hooked my thumbs into the pockets of my pants, waiting for her to speak. Deep down, I wanted her to reject him, but I knew it wasn‘t an easy option...

“I‘ll... I‘m ready to reject him.” She said quietly. “Will you accompany me when I do it?” > Her words filled me with relief. With their bond broken, it would be far easier for her to move on and for me to deal with him.

Sure, I will, I know it‘s not easy, but you got this. Things will be rough, but after a while, it will become easier. This isn‘t the end, and who knows what the future might hold.” She looked up at me and nodded slowly. “Thanks...”

“Let me know when you want to do it; and we‘ll go to see him.”

She nodded before we went our separate ways.

I really hoped she could move on from Emmet and rebuild her life. .

Mates... they were said to be a blessing, but at the same time, I felt like they were also a curse. You couldn‘t live without them... and if something was to happen to one, the other would suffer too... 2

I entered the mansion, hearing laughter and silently made my way to the back lounge. The door was slightly ajar and I stayed silent, seeing Marcel sitting on the sofa whilst Corrado and Azura were painting. Corrado was a mess with pain on his face and clothes, whilst Azura was in a slightly better state with a huge piece of paper on the table, as they both finger–painted on the shared paper. 1. She was wearing skinny jeans with a baggy top as she showed Corrado something. Her eyes sparkled and the smile on her face was genuine as she spoke, but I was far too lost in how fucking good she looked to care about what she was saying. “Oh, I get it!” Corrado added, imitating what she was showing him.

“That looks like fun.” Marcel chuckled. I stepped back, unable to face her after how I had hurt her last night...

‘Let‘s talk‘ I said to Marcel through the link, walking away towards the front of the mansion.

Noticing the boxes that were in the hallway, and the extra staff around, I raised an eyebrow.

But I wasn‘t really bothered with what was going on and took a seat, taking out a cigarette. I don‘t fucking know how I was going to do this... but I needed to get this shit over with. ‘Good luck‘

I froze, frowning slightly as Azura‘s voice came into my head.!

“I don‘t need luck‘ I replied coldly.

‘You sure do, now shut up. You got this.‘ Her curt reply came. ‘Always so fucking charming, aren‘t you?‘ ‘Yeah, well I don‘t do charming when it comes to little Alpha Dickface.‘ Her clipped reply came. I raised an eyebrow, as just then Marcel entered the room, shutting the door behind him. ‘I‘ll deal with you later.‘

‘Can‘t wait.‘ Came her sarcastic reply. “Everything ok Leo?” He asked, concerned, as he took a seat on the sofa opposite.

“Yeah, there was just something I wanted to tell you.” I said smoking my cigarette. I sat forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “Go for it.” He replied, clearly unsure of what to make of it.

Yeah, maybe I needed luck or some shit…

‘Just tell him everything you experienced... how you had to go through so much, and although you dealt with it, it didn‘t mean it was easy or fair on you. You suffered, Leo, and it is time to tell him that, no matter how hard it is on him.‘ Her voice was soothing and calmer.

‘Yeah, I know the damn deal.‘ I replied.

I wouldn‘t admit it, but I was fucking grateful for her words. I kinda didn‘t know where to start

“What‘s with the stuff in the hallway?” I asked, trying to bide time. “Oh well, that‘s for tonight.” He smirked, running his fingers through his hair. “What‘s happening tonight?”

“Ah, well, it‘s just a little dinner for Azura. We haven‘t really welcomed her into this pack since she got here and there was something else...”

He didn‘t want to talk about it, and I frowned but didn‘t bother questioning him.

“Whatever. What I want to talk about is the past.” “The past?” He frowned, becoming serious.

“About the caves, the life of hell that we lived down there... You were one of the luckiest because you were entirely under her control... but what about the rest of us who had to live and deal with the nightmares of that past?”


“I don‘t want to fucking sound like I‘m whining, but my hatred of everything stems from back then... We went through hell down there.” “I know Leo, and I wish I could have done more... you were somewhat immune to her compulsion and –” 2 This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah, I was, so I witnessed it all. You just standing there blankly whilst she tortured mom. You know dad, she was expecting when she died? Endora not only killed mom but your unborn child, And I was the one who was forced to stand there and watch it all. Unable to fucking do anything.” 1

None of this was coming out like it was meant to, I just sounded like someone being petty–as fuck about an unchangeable past. What purpose would telling him bring? He couldn‘t change the past. It was done…

I looked at him. He had turned ashen. He stared at me, his heart was thundering. I‘could see the toll my words were having on him, and he stood up, clearly shaken.

“Why... Why didn‘t you tell me she was pregnant? I mean even after...” “Why should I? It would have only hurt you right?” I replied now standing up and turning my back on him, no longer able to handle

the look on his face.

“But you kept it inside... suffered all by yourself...”

“Yeah, because I could handle it. Do you know how it felt having to watch you do whatever Endora wanted? And what fucking hurts the most, is when you were given your free will back, you allowed Rayhan to come here and once again hurt our people. I get it, they weren‘t all good, but you just stood there just like you always did. Doing nothing.” I said, hating how my voice was fucking strained and my emotions were showing in it.

“Leo... I failed you, your mother and...”

I closed my eyes, hating that I was causing him pain despite his flaws. I get it... We all make mistakes...

I get that Marcel‘s hands were tied too...

“No, but you failed my trust. You always say you won‘t hand over the Alpha title because you feared what I‘d do if I were Alpha, but are you really a better Alpha than me? I mean you were never able to protect this pack. Nor your mate... nor your children.” I hated hurting him. It fucking hurt me too, but I felt lighter getting it off my chest. “No Leo, I was just worried that you wanted to break away from Alejandro‘s coun–”

“I‘m already running this pack the way I want but once again you keep on putting others first! ” I snapped, turning and glaring at him, my eyes a magnetic steely blue, my aura filling the room.

“No Leo, I wanted to give you the–” “What? The Alpha title?” I asked.

He nodded, “Yes, you are ready–”

“No.” I cut in, raising my finger. “Na, the only reason you want to pass me that title is because Azura‘s here, right? Not because you have faith in me but because of her right?”

My anger was raging around me. “Leo... no, I just – you are misunderstanding me, you were always so cold and heartless and.” “Yeah I sure am, you sure know your own son. I told you what I needed to, so I’m fucking done. ” I said, turning to leave the room when he blocked my path.

“Not until you hear me out.” He said firmly, his eyes flashing.

I didn‘t speak, my eyes cold as I waited for him to just say whatever the fuck he wanted. I wanted this conversation to be over and done with here.

“Leo I love you, and I know you feel I chose them over you but I didn‘t. I love my family, but you are my son. How can I not love you?” His voice was thick with pain as he looked at me with such emotions that I was forced to look away. “I didn‘t want you to do anything wrong… but know I alone am the one who has withheld that title from you. Alejandro keeps telling me to pass it on to you. Rayhan did too the last time I met him, saying you were capable. They care for you Leo, as do I. Azura or no Azura you deserve this title. As your father, no one will be

happier when you become Alpha than I will be. To see you take the title that belongs to you, to come into that position that you have worked on for so long.”

lYeah well… It‘s too fucking late. You can keep it.” I shot back coldly. “I didn‘t come here to beg for that fucking title.”

I‘m fucking dying anyway. +

“Leo, let‘s put aside our differences.”

There‘s too many... and no time. “It‘s a little too late for that.” I replied, quietly brushing past him.

He grabbed my arm stopping me with incredible strength. I was still stronger, and if I wanted I could pull away. “Leo. Don‘t do this. Please.” He said quietly, his eyes full of emotions. “I‘m begging you for forgiveness for not being the father and alpha you needed. I‘m sorry. Forgive me, son.” It was too late... but then life was short... “I will hand that title over to you, not because of anyone, but because you deserve it. You suffered so much and the fact that I didn‘t know... I‘m sorry. I wish I could turn back time, take your pain, and make it my own. I wish I had been able to protect you from the truth. No son should have to protect his father like that... yet you did.”

I looked away, refusing to answer... refusing to give into the pain and emotions inside of me.

“At least I know my son cares for me.”

I looked at him sharply.

“I always fucking did, you were just too blind to see it.” I said quietly, pulling free from his hold and heading to the door. I had just opened it when he spoke. “Then, one last time, forgive this old man of yours, son, please.” His voice was breaking my resolve and I was about to refuse him when I stopped in my tracks, seeing Azura and Corrado standing there, a few metres from the door, covered in paint, but both had their eyes on me.

‘Forgive him, Leo. Everyone deserves a chance.‘ Azura said softly as Corrado watched me, his eyes glistening with unshed tears of confusion. ‘Let it go, Blue–Eyes.‘

Our eyes met and I knew the choice was mine, forgive Marcel and move on... or continue with my bitterness, and let it eat me up until I died... I looked down at my own son, before my gaze flickered to her stomach.

If I made a mistake... I‘d want my children to forgive me. – Thad made mistakes too, just like Marcel, like Rayhan... Did I want forgiveness?

I exhaled before taking a long drag of my cigarette. I looked back at Azura, her gorgeous eyes boring into mine. I needed the strength to do this... almost as if understanding she walked over to me, and, uncaring about the paint on her hands, she placed them on my chest, sending intense sparks coursing through me and making Corrado gasp. But we were both too consumed in one another‘s gaze to realise. 1

It was almost as if she was giving me strength...

Her scent soothed me and the urge to pull her close and bury my nose in her neck tempted me, but… I should stay away from her...

‘Don‘t be so stubborn.‘ Her voice through the link made me come back to reality. ‘Forgive him, Leo.

I pulled away, blowing out slowly, my mind made up... 1

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