A Touch From You

Chapter 6


“My name is Jason, what’s your name”, I asked as the silence between us was getting uncomfortable.

I had a deep urge to know more about this strange girl. Apart from her being attractive, there was just something about her that I couldn’t quite place my hands on. She stared at me, debating within herself whether to give me a reply or not.

“I’m Makayla”, she finally said.

Makayla, that was a beautiful name. Now what? She’s told me her name already, now what am I supposed to do. Why do I feel so shy and timid around her.

“So, what’s taking you to Chicago?”, she asked as her phone lit up with a new message.

She quickly sent a reply before staring back at me, waiting for an answer.

“Well, it’s kinda complicated. Let’s just say my girlfriend and I plan on getting married soon and I’m heading over to her parents for the introductions”, I said.

It wasn’t totally the truth but I wasn’t going to spill my guts to this strange girl. She could be an assassin for all I know. Another thing is that I didn’t know the state Sophia was. She could call off the arrangement depending on her mood.

“And you don’t look so happy”, Makayla said, raising an eye.

This girl was seriously creeping me out, was she some kind of mind-reader or what. Fine, I’m not all that happy not because of our relationship but because Sophia might probably have my head even though none of this is my fault.

“I shouldn’t be jumping for joy either. I’m not a kid”, i countered.

It was like we were playing a game. Makayla smiled and shook her head, while replying yet another text.

“Jeez, does that phone ever go off”, I said without thinking.

“It does but only at night”, she simply said.

I snorted and returned my attention to the window. I could tell she was staring at me, probably thinking what a weirdo I am. At this point, I just wasn’t in the mood for anything not until I ascertain what mood Sophia was in. I fired another strings of texts to her but yet again, I was met with silence. Well, that just proved that she was livid.

“And I get it your girlfriend is not really in good terms with you”, she pressed.

“Are you some sort of mind reader?”, I asked.

“Nope”, she said popping the “p” while sticking out her lower lip. Lips I wanted to kiss so badly.

Gosh! Get a grip on yourself Jason, you’ve got a girlfriend.

“Kind of”, I replied lamely.

I returned my attention back to the window. I was careful on what to say because I didn’t know who I was dealing with. She could be a bad person for all I know. Not that I was hiding anything but still, one can’t be too careful.

The voice of the train attendant filled the air, announcing that in the next half hour, it would reach it’s destination. I heaved a sigh of relief, happy that I would get off soon and also get rid of Sophia.

“So, tell me about yourself”, she said.

I groaned. Apparently, striking up a conversation with this beauty happened to be a bad idea. All I wanted was some peace and quiet and not this chatterbox. So as not to appear rude, I smiled.

“There’s nothing much to say, except that I have a girlfriend and I’m in the military, I live a pretty boring life”, I shrugged.

Makayla remained quiet for a bit even though I had no idea why. It was almost like she was processing and analyzing her response. I was just about to say something when she replied, cutting me off.

“Wait. What? You’re in the military, that’s just… Interesting.”

Sighing, I closed my eyes a bit thinking about the events of the past few days. Our impending engagement, Sophia’s temper and our relationship that’s on the brink of distruption.

Deep down, I knew that Sophia doesn’t love me. The signs are there already. Her short temper, her rude remarks anytime we argue and to top it all, ignoring my calls then claiming she was asleep.

Then, why am I still holding onto her… Why can’t I just let go. This whole thing got me confused and a bit angry because I can’t understand these emotions I feel.

“A dollar for your thoughts”, Makayla said, staring at me with her hypnotizing green eyes.

Only then did I realize that the train had stopped, we’ve finally gotten to our destination and I didn’t know because my mind was so far away.

“We’ve arrived”, she said.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah…”, I mumbled.

There and then, it dawned on me that this would be the last time I would be seeing her. I should be happy but I wasn’t. Instead, I felt this aching pain in my chest. Though we didn’t talk much I felt like I’ve known her for a very long time.

As we made our way out of the train, I was just about to ask for her number but a high-pitched voice stopped me. I stilled, knowing who that voice belonged to. On cue, Sophia hurried towards me just as I stepped out of the train. Her red hair flying about, gaining the attention of people around us.

Makayla quickly left my side, standing a bit further, not wanting to be caught in this.

“I was so worried”, Sophia said, a light frown on her face.

Instead of looking at her, I found myself looking at Makayla and to my surprise, I wanted desperately to know what she was thinking about. Sophia followed my line of sight and her frown deepened. I could tell that she was boiling inside, waiting for the right moment to unleash her anger.

“Can we go now”, I said quickly, trying to avert an impending confrontation.

“Yes but not before telling me who she is”, she said, pointing at Makayla.

Makayla paid no attention to us, tapping her phone probably replying some more text messages. I could tell that she was waiting for somebody or maybe… her boyfriend.

I can’t explain it but the thought of that made me angry and jealous which I had no right to be. I barely knew her and feeling these kind of emotions was unhealthy.

“Sophia, she’s nobody. We just sat together in the train that’s all”, i said, hoping that she would drop it.

” I see”, she said, giving Makayla a death glare who was still oblivious to all of these.

I managed to drag Sophia away from the train station but before I left, Makayla looked up, catching my eye. For some seconds, we both stared at each other, a kind of unspoken understanding passing through us before a bus blocked our view. And just like that, she was gone like the wind.

Turning my attention back to Sophia, I gave her a gentle squeeze, silently reassuring her that I would never leave her but she ignored me, going ahead to flag down a taxi I presumed would take us to her parent’s house.

“We’re going to your parent’s right?”, I asked as we boarded a taxi.

She sighed, like she was about to deliver a bad news. I tensed, sensing that this wouldn’t be pleasant.

“I’ve been thinking for a few days Jason and I think we should hold on on the engagement for now and probably take some time off”, she said without any emotion at all.

I stared at her simply lost for words. I wasn’t shocked or angry just numb. I kind of expected this but why does it hurt so badly?.

“When you say take some time off, what do you mean?”, I asked.

“I mean we should stop seeing each other for now until we figure out where this relationship is heading.”

“Have you found someone.” I blurted.

Sophia remained silent and that confirmed all my thoughts and fears. Now, I understood all her attitudes these past few days.

“I asked you a question”, I said, calmly.

“I don’t have to answer that Jason.”

When I got to my bus stop, I quietly got off the taxi without another word to her. I didn’t trust my words and I didn’t want to leave on an angry note so I simply opted for silence.

The taxi pulled away, taking part of my future away. I walked the few minutes to my house and sat on my porch, thinking about the green-eyed girl.

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