A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 16 Chapter 13

Chapter 16 Chapter 13

Kavi's POV

Surya's training in his wolf form was going great. But for some unknown reasons, Akhilan didn't like

Surya. I highly believe it has something to do with me. And escaping Akhilan during the training was a

big task. If only he asked me to fight against him, all my plans would ruin in a second. Because my wolf

would just jump on him. She was getting so worked up lately on seeing our mate with another she-wolf.

So I would always maintain a certain distance with him.

Life has its own ways to surprise us. Last week while I was returning from the tournament, I found a kid

trying to escape from a few wolves. I was in my human form then. I felt a sudden urge of dominance

just like the way I felt with blood warriors. The wolves looked at me calculatively and barred their teeth.

I realized the kid having a faint smell of wolf which puzzled me yet I felt protective of him. My wolf took

over and ordered them to leave and to my surprise, they whimpered a little but left nonetheless.

I brought him into the pack as he didn't smell like a rogue he seems to be like just six years old. I called

Sezhiyan and told him that I have found a kid being chased by three wolves. When he saw him, he

instantly recognised him and told me that he was the second son of Blood Warriors Pack's Alpha. And

he said those rogues might have targetted him because he didn't shift yet. My tongue was tied as we

both were wolfless and I can't convey that they didn't smell like rogues. The kid was asleep in my

shoulder when I entered the pack so I took him to my home and put him to sleep in a spare room.

The next morning he woke up and descended the stairs with confusion written over his face. On seeing

me, he stood still as if remembering the things happened earlier. I fed him breakfast which he ate

eagerly as if he wasn't fed for a week. It was making me concern and I learnt his name is Iniyan and he

was seven years old. He looks like a malnutritioned kid. But I can't comment on that on other pack's

Alpha's son. His brother came to pick him up who was none other than the bully, Ilamaran I clashed

with, on the first day of the college to save Surya.

I offered him to visit me often if he wants. He looked up at his smirking brother and sadly nodded his

head. I don't know why he was sad to go home. His aura showed fear and sadness. I felt like

something snapping inside me. But I have no power to do anything. I asked about the same with

Sezhiyan. He told that everyone in his pack treats him differently and the kid was going through a tough



There was a bonfire tonight. Surya insisted me to come as this was his first Bonfire and for the first

time, he was going to listen to our history. His pack lessons were arranged to commence from next

month as he needs to first get used to being a wolf. He started hunting and he was behaving like a

newborn wolf. His wolf was stable despite Veena's demise. It's like she wasn't his mate. It gives me

hope that he would get a second chance.

I am getting close to Surya. I know I shouldn't. I have a mate who has been waiting for me for a long

time. But I was getting my Teddy's vibes from him... not completely but I could find the same concern

and sparks on Surya's eyes like I seen in Teddy. My wolf feels comfortable with him but I know our

relationship can't go past friendship.

I got ready in a green t-shirt and blue jean and started walking towards the pack house. There were few

groups and I located Logan, Mukilan and Surya in a group and went there. Dhaya and his sister Tamizh

were also there. I sat in between Logan and Mukilan. Mukilan was already narrating our history. After

some time, we spoke about random things and Luna came to give every group with food. She denied

my offer to help and asked me to enjoy the company of each other. Logan stood up to give the food to

everyone. The cinnamon smell increased and I found Surya has now occupied Logan's place next to

me. I looked up at Logan who was smirking at me. He thinks we look cute together when I was closer

to Surya. There is also another reason for Surya seeking my presence; his wolf feel so protective of me

even though I wasn't his mate and he said that his wolf was calm with me. And I experienced the same

even on the day he shifted. His wolf listens to me.

I noticed my mate sitting with his family and Pooja was all over him. His silence for her actions was

what hurting me the most. I sighed and stood up as the time was near midnight. I bid bye to everyone

and told them that I am going home. Surya stood up and offered to walk me back home. I don't find any

harm in it. I nodded my head and took a few steps. Surya circled his arm around my waist and pulled

me closer to him and nuzzled his nose in my neck inhaling deeply.

I felt his aura was turning from affection to lust. He had asked me for dates and we would hug casually.

But he never did something like this. It was intimate for wolves to nuzzling the neck. I was about to pull

away from him but a loud growl caught my attention.

In a blink of a second, Akhilan was on top of Surya and he was punching him mercilessly. I was

shouting at him to stop but he just gave me a warning look as if to tell me to shut up and continues to

hit him. Surya at first shocked but his wolf took over now they were rolling on the ground.

Thankfully, Sezhiyan came and ordered three of us to his office. When I entered the office, Pooja was

there nursing Akhilan's wound and giving me death glares. I rushed to Surya and pulled my hanky to

wipe his blood. I heard Akhilan's growl again when I touched him. But I ignored him. What the hell he

was thinking? He agreed to marry a she-wolf but getting angry on someone touching me. My wolf was

surprisingly silent.

"What is your problem, Akhilan? Why did you attack him?"

Sezhiyan was very angry. The peaceful bonfire was spoiled and he was disappointed in him. The

waves of his disappointment could be felt very easily. His anger increased at his silent.

"What happened, Surya?"

He asked him with an exhausted sigh.

"I don't know, Alpha. Kavi decided to leave to her home. I was accompanying her. All of sudden he

started attacking me. I don't know why."

He said while clutching to his jaw which was healing nicely.

"Akhilan! You should answer me. You are going to step up to be the head warrior after your father. I

can't allow you to abuse the fellow wolves. What happened? Tell me now. Why did you attack him?"

Sezhiyan didn't use Alpha tone but his voice was filled with authority which was making my wolf stir.

She didn't like her mate being commanded. But she was also angry at his behaviour.

"Sorry Alpha. I can't allow him using the she-wolf of this Pack to satisfy his needs. He might have

turned wolf recently. But he must understand the concept of MATES."

He said every word with so much anger.

"That didn't allow you to punish a Wolf. You should have reported to me. And I didn't find him hanging

out with any females. He has his friendship with Kavi even before he has turned into a wolf. You can't

blame two people for their friendship and also you don't have any rights to invade their privacy."

Sezhiyan spoke with annoyance.

"I am not blaming her. But I don't like her hanging out with him. I tried to tell her to not do that many

times. But she never listened to me."

He said calmly.

"You have no right to tell someone to not do something against their wish. You are getting your

punishment. No compromises. I can't accept your reasons."

Sezhiyan told in 'no-more-arguments' tone and Akhilan nodded his head.

"Hey bitch, Why are you troubling everyone? You are the reason my mate is getting this punishment

now. And for the sake of this pack fame, stop whoring yourself. I knew you don't have a wolf, but I didn't

expect you to steep so low... I am pitying for your pathetic mate."

Pooja said with a big smirk.

I could feel every male in the room was enraged with her words. That bitch had the guts to call me

names even after I put her in hospital. I waited for a few seconds for my mate to do anything. But Surya

was the one let out a growl and opened his mouth to defend me. I touched his bicep and patted him to

calm down.

"First of all, You are not his mate. Second, My wolf is none of your concern. I proved myself to you by

putting you in the hospital on the first day of my training. Third, You have no rights to poke your nose in

my bedroom or any of my personal matters. Fourth, If you speak one more word about my mate, I

won't hesitate to rip your throat out."

I said in a very calm but dangerous tone.

When I mentioned 'my mate', I found Akhilan look on me and felt a slight lust in his aura. My wolf was

appreciating me to go to him but I feel offended. He will hit some male for touching me but he won't

even object Pooja for swearing me. What a mate!

"See Akhilan, she is threatening me in front of you."

She whined like a child. I made eye contact with Akhilan in rage, challenging him to defend her by

crossing my hands across my breasts. I felt Sezhiyan's aura turned into amusement on seeing my


Oh my Alpha! You are something else! I smiled mentally at his sudden mood change. Akhilan stood up

without breaking my eye contact.

"I didn't feel anything wrong with her words, Pooja. What she said was true. Go home."

He said to her and took a step towards me. I was spellbound by his eyes. They might be grey but they

were the most vibrant grey I have ever seen which was absorbing me. The magic broke when I felt

Surya's hand shaking me. He has healed already except for the scars which would heal within


"Let's go."

I told Surya and walked past my mate with a good distance cautious not to touch him. I feel him staring

at me which warmed my heart but I didn't turn. Logan was waiting outside and he scanned me from top

to bottom with a relieved sigh. I asked Surya to take rest and Logan came with me despite my protest.

"I don't understand why Akhilan bro did that. He is not that type for getting worked upon seeing a

couple together. And PDA is very common among us."

He said thinking to himself.

"Hey Logan, We aren't a couple. We are just friends. Don't exaggerate the issue. Leave it."

I warned him in an exhausted tone.

"No, Kavi. Alpha might give him a big punishment. Because the higher the hierarchy, the severe the

punishment would be. Alpha Sezhiyan highly believes 'A law-maker should not be a lawbreaker.' So

Akhil bro was going to be sorry for hitting your friend."

My wolf was feeling sad but we knew we can't do anything about the punishment. Logan stayed for

some time and left me with my thoughts.

Recently I have been thinking about leaving my revenge plan as there was no progress in it and also I

was getting the fear of losing my mate. I want to know what he was thinking. If he was ready to start his

life with Pooja, I won't interfere with him. At least he is not the first male to betray me in my life. I didn't

know when I drifted off to sleep but woke up with a mild discomfort on my back. My wolf was howling

inside me to rush to my mate. I realised he was getting his punishment. I controlled my urges and

hugged the pillow and laid there on my bed.

I knew Rakshana was going to hate me more for putting her son in punishment. My wolf was crying

inside me as she wanted to let her out and she wants to be with her mate. The winter was approaching

and he was here this year. There are high possibilities for me to go on the heat. And if he smells my

heat, his wolf would be very aggressive to mate with me. That was the scent he was designed to go

crazy. I need to make decisions. I can't betray Sezhiyan for a long time. I pledged my loyalty here but I

am not completely honest with him. I knew he has his doubts but never enquired me. I can't talk about

it to my mother. And no one was helping me to get a lead on that incident. I am the only proof for that

bitter accident and I hate myself for that. But I can't reverse them. I have to live with that.


I was at the beach with Iniyan. Our pack was named after the 'Green ocean' as our west border is

covered with the Green Ocean. And in the past few months, I paid more visits here. Coincidentally, I

ran into a beautiful woman, Shrini who was the mother of Ilamaran and Iniyan, also Luna of Blood

warriors Pack. I think she is the only one treating Iniyan better. Because she took him here to play with

him on the beach to fulfil his birthday wish.

She had a calm aura but there was a deep sadness outlining her calmness. I chose to not dig into her

sadness and tried to lighten the mood by playing with Iniyan. She was surprised at first when he ran to

me happily and hugged my legs. Luna said that I am the second person she saw him reacting happily.

My wolf loves this kid and she would be in full entertaining mood with him. We played with waves for

quite a time. I invited them to my house with the permission of Alpha Sezhiyan and we had our lunch

there. She told me about how everyone in her pack cares for Iniyan and how his brother loves to train

him. Iniyan's aura turned into sadness but Luna seems oblivious of that.

She was living with the lies. I think she didn't even know how they were really treating him. Because he

denied changing his wet clothes in front of Luna. But after reaching home, I helped him to change

where he had lots of bruises and a fresh cut wound across his chest. It made my blood boil but he

asked me to not tell his mother about the scars and bruises. Because somebody had blackmailed him

that if his mother gets to know any of his torture, they would kill Luna. So I asked him to promise me

that he won't tell anyone about what I am going to do. He agreed and I healed his wounds. He hugged

me and cried on my shoulder telling that he was going to sleep tonight without any pain. It broke my

heart to know his state.

Just because he didn't shift, his pack was abusing him. I promised him to visit him often so I could help

him in healing. After a few hours, Ilamaran came to pick up his mother and brother. He happily came

and took Iniyan's hand. Instantly Iniyan let out a small hiss but covered it before his mother notices. I

found his hand was gripped tight which causing him pain but his big brother was masking with caring

expression towards Iniyan. I stood there helplessly seeing him getting abused in front of me. I mentally

noted to warn Ilamaran at college. I can't do something in front of his mother because Iniyan would get

afraid of something gonna happen to his mother.

I went to Alpha office and told him everything except the healing part and asked whether we could do

anything to rescue him. But he said that we can't do anything without exact proofs for the abuse. And it

might lead to war between two packs. Though they had signed the agreement for peace, Alpha of the

Blood warriors is not a kind person. He was the one who changed the pack name to Blood warriors and

started to train his warriors into ruthless killers. Sezhiyan didn't tell much but I could tell he doesn't like

that Alpha from his aura.

The next day, I got a call from Sezhiyan during college and asked me to come to his office immediately.

Surya offered to take me there as I freaked out because he never called me with such urgency. We

made there in twenty minutes and I was surprised to see the person in his office. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

[To be continued...]

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