18 Floors Above the Apocalypse

Chapter 344

Chapter 344

Leaning against Jaspers shoulder, Stella recounted her recent trials and the world marred by acid rain. Even Jasper, who had experienced it once before, was taken aback by the severity of the acid rain. He dreaded to think what the future might hold.

Stella checked him over for injuries and, finding none, asked, “Did you get burned by the acid rain last time?”

"Yeah, but I found shelter quickly enough." He had scars on his arms and face from where he’d toughed it out, leaving pitted reminders of his ordeal. This time around, Cooper and Rosie had behaved at home, "They're fine, the medicine you left wasn't needed."

Not needing it was the best outcome.

Stella wrapped her arms around Jasper's neck, "You've been through a lot lately, Jasper.”

He shrugged it off, just feeling a bit sexually frustrated by the situation, and seized the opportunity to ask, "With all the time you spent studying, did you get it all down?"Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

Stella hesitated, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Lying on the soft king-sized bed, the weary pair drifted into a deep sleep. Stella was roused in the early morning by Jasper’s gentle voice, "Stella, it's time to head out.”

Blinking away sleep, she saw it was just past five, the sky still dark. Nevertheless, she rose to brush her teeth, have breakfast. and don her bulky protective gear, ready to leave Arcadia with Jasper.

At six in the morning. visibility was poor in the dim light. It was still raining, but the downpour was less intense than before, and the streets were so quiet you could only hear the persistent patter of rain. The visibility wasn't very good, and Jasper walked in front. shielding Stella behind him

After about half an hour, the day gradually brightened, but it remained gloomy with no sign of clearing. Acid rain had corroded the streetlights and wires; the bulbs had long since ceased to glow, leaving only the steady drip of rain. A sudden downpour had thrown all the survivors’ plans into disarray, and those caught outside were still trapped.

Seeking shelter in stores was slightly better, as one could beg for water or find a place to rest. And if hunger became unbearable, looting was the next course of action.

Huddled under an awning was more problematic, where one had to endure hunger and cold while constantly fearing acid splash. After two days of this torment, many were on the brink of collapse.

So when they saw someone in a protective suit weaving through the acid rain, it was enough to break them down completely. Some cried out for help, while others, in their desperation, threw things. Kill them, and their suits would be yours. Thankfully, the streets were wide, and the rubber suits thick enough to prevent injury.

After a day's rest and just starting their journey, Stella's temper was shorter than Jasper's. Seeing who was throwing things, she stooped to pick up a rock and threw it back.

"Ah!" A scream pierced the air as the assailant was hit, blood streaming down his forehead. He clutched his head, intending to curse, but silenced himself at the sight of Stella's fierce eyes behind her mask.

Others who had been looking on scurried away. Geez, she was fierce.

The pair continued on their way. Perhaps because Griffith had fewer people than Swan Hill, there were not as many survivors affected by the acid rain.

Concrete buildings, though hastily rebuilt after the disasters, were not as sturdy as before. Their structures and drainage systems were inferior, and if the acid rain persisted. the concrete might not hold up.

Stella inspected a piece of concrete that had fallen to the roadside, its surface pitted from corrosion. She was relieved their villa had been fitted with a glass canopy: otherwise, it might not have withstood the relentless acid downpour.

Perhaps it was having her loved one by her side that made her footsteps feel lighter than the day before. After ten hours, they finally made it through the acid rain and back home.

With the arrival of the acid rain, the neighborhood fell quiet again, everyone hiding in their homes, trembling with fear. They had not only the acid rain to contend with but also the looming crisis of soil and water contamination. If unaddressed, chaos would likely ensue in the neighborhood.

Jasper seemed to guess her thoughts, "Bran's a quick thinker. He warned everyone to store water a few days ago on the community channel.” But hoarding water was not a long-term solution: contamination was not an issue that could be resolved overnight.

Stella was curious, "How did you deal with it before?"

Jasper recalled, "The government drilled deep wells for groundwater, which was filtered before use.”

Being affiliated with the government, he had departments to handle these matters. How ordinary survivors coped was unclear.

Either way. until the cataclysmic shifts. the contaminated soil remained barren.

Arriving back at Building 50, even before Jasper could unlock the door, Cooper's whines echoed from the second floor. He smelled them. Stella felt an immense relief; she had traversed over thirty kilometers to finally be home.

Upon entering, Cooper, who had bounded down from upstairs, was so excited he nearly leaped at her. Stella quickly cautioned, "Stay still.” After cleaning the protective gear and hanging it up, she affectionately embraced Cooper, "I'm back!”

"Stella." Rosie followed, jumping into the fray.

Cooper and Rosie circled Stella as Jasper stood off to the side, touching his nose in amusement, "Everything okay at home?"

Rosie snuggled into her brother, "Yeah, Cooper and I have been eating well.”

Under Stella's tutelage, Rosie's cooking skills were nothing to scoff at. and she had taken good care of Smoky and Snowy as well.

Despite the world outside being battered by acid rain, the home was a haven of warmth, with Rosie still wearing her apron, "Stella, dinner's ready. Just need to whip up one more dish.”

Stella smiled knowingly, having raised Rosie from a kid to a capable little chef.

Braised pork ribs, scrambled eggs with chives, meatball soup, and sautéed greens — all Rosie's handiwork.


The greens were grown on

rooftop garden, and whi

had beerwwiped out, they h stockpiled enough fertili

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zed eggs”


Rosie Rad been using an incubator to hatch several broods and.had been diligently raising thensfor r@arly two months. Content belongs to

The house had gained another hard worker, and Stella couldn't have been more pleased With rain came early darkness, and as they switched on the lights, they shared a quiet, heartwarming meal

After a grueling period, Stella finally took a few days to rest at hame, allowing her body to fully recover.

Jasper maintained a frightening level of self-discipline, training his sister andthe dog without fail and-~ remindivig Rosie to conserve water, "The water’ s contaminated. We've onlygot a few water tanks, g0 we need to use it sparingly." Content belongs to ©

Although Stella's Arcadia was not short on water, it was crucial not to neglect instilling a sense of crisis in Rosie.

Rosie nodded and took a moment to call Dylan on the walkie-talkie, "Dylan, the water's contaminated. Be careful to save water at your place. You don’t want to die of thirst.”

They had little to spare and would not lend any.

Suddenly finding herself with free time, Stella was unaccustomed to the lull, idly flicking through channels on the walkie-talkie.

The neighborhood chat was buzzing with life. Theréswere folks buttering up Bran, thadking him for the heads-upXo" stock up on bottled water, others fretting over the possibiit ity of their rooftop decks rottiay through, and sti I others lamenting the untimely demise of their homegrown lettuce-Stella listened in silence, without uttering a word. NovelDrama.Org


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She made her way to the balcony and the backyard, finding the glass greenhouse intact. Smoky and Snowy had long stopped bearing bunnies. but their lineage continued to flourish, one generation after the next

Recalling the many trials they had been through together, Stella rewarded them with a plate of minced meat and gently stroked the rabbits' heads, saying, "Eat up, my brave little warriors. You've earned it."

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