The Triplets' Fighter Luna

Chapter 38

I stood there looking at all the books on my bookshelf and I would pull one out and look at it for a second before I put it back and kept looking.

I did that for a few minutes until I knew that the guys were gone and they weren't watching me


They wanted me to go to the packhouse with them, but I had other plans.

Besides, I didn't really feel comfortable in the packhouse. I knew that a lot of wolves didn't like

me there because they knew that there was something different about me.

They didn't know what it was, but they knew that I was different and they didn't like it.

So, as soon as I knew that the guys were gone I went upstairs to my room and I walked into my closet.

I pulled a loose board away from the back wall and I pulled out a very old and ancient looking book.

I grabbed a bag that was sitting next to it and I took it out to my bedroom floor and I sat down.

I pulled out three candles and I lit them and then I put three crystals between the candles and I opened the book.

I started searching through it for the right spell that I needed.

Once I found it I sat on the floor with my legs crossed and my arms resting on my legs.

I took a deep breath before I started reading out the incantation.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Malum ens, te ipsum ostende.

Malum ens, te ipsum ostende.

Daemon, qui me laedere vult, te ipsum revela.

Daemon, qui me laedere vult, te ipsum revela."

The room started getting really windy and I looked around, trying to push the hair out of my face when I looked down at the crystals. They were starting to glow. The glow that they were emanating started to join together in the middle of the circle and a picture formed inside of the glow.

It was a picture of a woman. A vampire. It was the one that created the army.


10 Bones

I didn't know her name, but now I knew what she looked like. And that was all I needed.

I stared at the picture of her for as long as I needed to before I stopped the spell.

I blew out the candles and I put everything back hidden in my closet.

I grabbed my sketch book and I did a rough sketch of the girl that had created this army of new vampires and I went downstairs to where my computer was.

I hacked into the dark web and I started searching to see what chatter was happening about this woman.

Not much was said about her. They never say her name but I was just sitting there and watching. I didn't want anyone to know that I was on this site.

Whenever I got on the dark web, it was only to observe and see what I could find out. I never asked questions because that would draw attention to me.

I just needed to know where to look to find out what I needed.

Suddenly the door burst open and Grayson barged into my house with the triplets behind him.

"Seriously. Doesn't anyone know how to knock anymore?" I asked.

"Are there vampires headed this way?" Grayson asked.

"Yeah. And I'm trying to find out where they are and what they are doing. Once I figure that out then I might be able to redirect them." I said.

"How are you going to do that?" Koda asked.

"The less you know, the better."

"Don't give me that s**t. Tell me what you're going to do."

"Fine. But I'm doing it alone. You three are not coming with me, do you understand?" I demanded.

"Yeah. We understand." Tyler said.

"If I can get close to them then all I need is to redirect the leader. The one who created them into thinking that you three are somewhere else. In a different state. So they will turn around and go back to the states." I explained. "How close do you need to get?" Dean asked.

"I choose not to answer that."

They didn't like me being so evasive but I meant what I said. The less they knew, the better.

Otherwise they would want to come and probably try to protect me. And that wasn't 2/4 

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happening. I wasn't going to let it happen.

I had trained way too hard for something to happen to them because they were trying to protect me.

"Do you have a plan?" Grayson asked.

"I'm slowly coming up with one. But you need to keep these three in line." I said to him.

"Excuse me. We are the next Alpha's of this pack. We don't need to be kept in line." Koda snapped.

"Apparently you do because you're all thinking the same thing right now. That you're coming

with me whether I like it or not." I said.

"Stop reading our minds." He demanded.

"I told you. I only do it when I think people are lying to me."

"Do what you have to. I'll make sure they stay put." Grayson said. He turned to look at the triplets and then he left. But the triplets didn't go anywhere.

They actually made themselves very comfortable in the living room while I was on the


I wasn't used to having people around me all the time. I got so used to being alone all the time because of the way Evelyn and Henry were. They never wanted me around and I definitely didn't want to be around them. So having people hanging around all the time was just weird for me.

I guess this is what it felt like to be in a pack.

"I'm not sleeping with you tonight Tyler so forget it." I said, while still looking at my computer.

Koda started laughing and Tyler just threw his arms up in the air.

"Why the hell is Koda the lucky one?" He asked.

"Because he was just there at the right time. You should have followed me home after our fight." I said, still not looking at them.

"Well, I will next time."

"That means he's going to start a fight with you just so he can follow you home." Koda said.

"I know." I said without batting an eye about it.

I think I might be the only girl in the world who really knows what men are thinking. So, they

didn't need to tell me what they were going to do.


When it came to teenage guys and s*x, it didn't matter what species they were, they all thought the same way.

Dean eventually turned on the TV and they started watching a movie while I was still on the computer doing something and it wasn't too long before Tyler was asleep on the floor and

Dean and Koda were asleep on either side of the couch.

So I closed my computer and I took it upstairs to my bedroom.

I put it on my bedside table and I walked into the wardrobe and I reached up to the shelf and I grabbed a backpack that was already packed. It was my 'go' bag that was always packed in case I had to leave in a hurry. It had everything I needed in it.

And I walked over and opened my bedroom window and I climbed down the tree that was outside my window and I started walking towards the back of the house where the forest was.

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